Reshaun Owens Apps

Reshaun Owens
You're in this top secret laboratory where thepipes are routed all through the ceiling. Somehow, the pipes startto leak and it's up to you to keep the floor safe from thehazardous materials falling down to the ground. There are threetypes of hazardous materials all with different receptacles thatneed to be used respectively. Make sure that you catch every dripwith the right receptacle or else the chemicals can react and causean explosion. There are three different types of hazmat barrels,three types of chemicals that can fall from the ceiling all withdistinctive color and shape, laboratory backgrounds, piping on theceiling. The main menu will reflect the different types ofmaterials and a logo will be created to also stay in the same vein.This is a game that is simple but oh so hard. Post your High Scoreto Facebook and challenge you friends to see who has the bestreflexes.